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IT Consulting

Helping you to make better decisions, improve efficiency, solve complex problems, increase revenue, and more.



How we help

With over 12 years developing, improving and integrating health and care services in the public and private sector, we embrace a combination of psychologically informed and behaviour change approaches, digital solutions and data insights to drive better decisions, improve efficiency, solve complex problems, increase revenue, and more.

We provide actionable consultancy advice and deliver whole systems transformation projects that improve user access and experience, patient flow, management of demand and capacity, staff engagement and productivity.

We build positive relationships and confidence with colleagues, teams, stakeholders and clients. 

Find out more about the founder Stuart John Chuan



Our past portfolio of achievements demonstrates what our expert and adaptable approach can deliver:

Demand management

  • Diversion of 75% mental health referrals from secondary care at the NHS front door to lower levels of care in the community

Patient flow

  • 26% improvement in caseload discharges (step-down) from community CAMHS mental health secondary care team relative to comparable team

  • 7% reduction in inpatient occupied bed days


  • Led the design of the local NHS Trust implementation of the NHS community transformation framework, ensuring alignment to the national framework and leading numerous staff and user workshops

  • Design of 3-year roll out of community mental health transformation across 20 Primary Care Networks

  • Re-alignment of community mental health teams and caseloads to Primary Care Networks, and devised the protocol for the caseload transfer plan

  • Advice and support to charity that successfully transitioned frontline working staff to a co-location consultation model

  • Delivery of a bespoke Motivational Interviewing training for hundreds of social care practitioners across a large adult social care system

  • Devised system for assigning single lead professional to all non CPA cases, and set-up the progress tracking system

  • Design and mobilisation of efficient, effective and high quality Single Point of Access (SPA) referral management centres, performing 10,000s of clinical triage and screenings per year, in CAMHS and paediatric health

  • Reduction in unwarranted variation at the front door to CAMHS and paediatric health services

  • Development, design and delivery of one of the key pilot projects which led to the development of the national NHS/NOMS community offender personality disorder pathway service.


  • Case segmentation of large community mental health caseload in a Mental Health Trust

  • Created large scale an NHS transformation recruitment workflow and spend and tracking tool across multiple teams and departments

  • Designed the protocol for extracting and reporting on how many distinct people were being supported within a Mental Health Trust

  • Designed a created a scalable job planning calculator tool

  • Corporate emotional wellbeing referral and utilisation dashboard 

Corporate wellbeing

  • Designed and implemented an onsite and remote access corporate mental health wellbeing service in the City of London. Highlights:

    • 8-10% total workforce headcount utilising the individual support sessions

    • Average 20 minutes from referral to first contact

    • Average 4 days to first appointment (at user convenience but same day if urgent)

    • Average 4.8 (out of 5) star customer rating

    • Development of employee neurodevelopmental assessment pathway

    • Rapid containment of mental health crises (e.g., actively suicidal employees) managed either within work context or away from NHS services

Primary Care and Children's Social Care

  • Improvement in responsive and preventative mental health care using a consultancy, workforce development and co-caseworking model into primary care, children's social care and family support services

  • Improved practitioner emotional containment and effective practice who manage 'challenging behaviours'

Offender Management

  • 50% safe reduction in prison recalls in probation team managing high risk of harm offenders


  • Reduction in rate, gravity and frequency of gang-related serious youth offending​



Our unique combination of experience in the public, charity and private sector means we can help you with:

  • Referral demand management analysis and re-design

  • Caseload management prioritisation tools and workflows

  • Reducing unwarranted variation in clinical decision making and care

  • Care pathway improvement, innovation, transformation and mobilisation

  • Workflow and pathway mapping, re-design and optimisation

  • Engagement of the clinical workforce in whole organisation transformation; aligning leadership, management and frontline clinicians in the change process

  • User persona workshops

  • Integrating or co-locating mental health practitioners into non-mental health settings

  • Governance, quality and compliance - e.g., clinical and data-related such as DPIAs, data flow mapping, confidentiality, caldicott guardian)

  • Business insights, data analysis, data collection and data dashboards with a clinical lens

  • Creating and running an onsite workplace emotional well-being service 

  • Upskilling staff teams, both mental health and non-mental health, to integrate practical psychologically informed knowledge and skills into their core work

  • Staff training, workshops, learning events and university lectures

  • Psychological interventions, consultancy and supervision


Our approach is highly flexible and adaptable. Here are examples of where we have delivered value and success:


  • NHS adult and CAMHS community mental health

  • NHS paediatric health 

  • Private / independent sector online assessment and therapy service

  • Children’s social care and early help family support services 

  • Charities

  • Supported accommodation projects and hostels

  • Home or residential based services

  • Primary care 

  • Multi-agency services - e.g., gangs serious youth violence, complex needs services 

  • Corporates - e.g., designing and delivering corporate wellbeing services

  • Prisons and secure hospitals

  • Probation service




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Best way to find out more about how we can help you is to get in touch. Open the chat icon, email us, or submit your enquiry on the webform.


We are based in London but we can work remotely.

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© 2023 Psychologically Informed Services Ltd (12325039)

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